Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So, I just got home from yet another uneventful night at work. I'm at a point in my life where I really don't know where I'm going. I feel like this is a common thing now for kids of our generation but it seriously sucks. I'm tired of having to hype myself up to get anything beyond a minimum wage job. I thought that college was supposed to help you get jobs beyond that of ones you can get in high school? This is my whining because I'm too lazy to decide what I really want to do with my life.

I've been sitting around too long every day not really doing anything so I can't really complain. Life isn't bad but it's nothing worth bragging about. It also sucks when people expect "great things" from you. As nice as it is to have people look up to you it doesn't make me want to but my ass to fulfill their expectations. My goal for tomorrow is to clean before I have to go to work. It's technically Jacqueline's birthday today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACQUELINE). I haven't been able to get a hold of her today but she talked to me two nights ago and informed me that she failed what I assume to be all her classes and won't be graduating this month. I had been hoping that we would get an apartment during the summer but now I don't know when she'll be able to move over here if she's not graduated yet. I'm sure she's more stressed out than I am but still.

So, now my Dad is thinking maybe it would be a good idea for me to move in with my older sister because her roommate disappeared and I guess my parents are having to pull the weight of that. If life wasn't so complicated then I would actually be tempted to move but would it really be a good idea? I'm actually pretty used to my current roommate and although the space I have to live in is tiny and almost everything here sucks it's really not that bad. It's very close to where I work but if I got a job within the month closer to where my sister lives I may think about moving. I really hope my roommate doesn't depend on my rent to get her through the month because I am not a permanent fixture.

That being said, I think things are progressing well with the boyfriend (I know I haven't told you much about him yet). I meet his parents supposedly this weekend so that should be interesting. He just moved into a new place and was kinda stressed out about all the paper work and financial responsibility it takes to buy your first house but I'd say for a 23 year old to be worrying about that kind of stuff he's doing pretty good for himself. More than I can say for me. He told me if I painted him something he'd hang it in the house but I have no idea what to paint/ what he would want. He has a birthday coming up in June (any ideas welcome). I need to paint more someday. For facebook stalkers there are recent photos my mom tagged us in where I look like I'm in pain but it's only because I don't know how to smile in photos.

It's too bad life can't be full of having fun and being around the people who make you happy and doing things you're actually good at. I'm starting to get hungry so I'm going to try to old eat to get sleepy trick and hopefully at least accomplish cleaning my room tomorrow. You know how hard and painful this task can be. More rants coming your way soon. I need to send out my real letter so you can be filled in on the past 5ish months of my life.

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